Safeguards 4 Kids Tour
featuring Julie Lowe
AUGUST 17 • 9 a.m. to noon
1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. What can Christians do to change these disturbing facts?
Julie Lowe argues that Christians must lead the way in prevention and response measures to keep kids safe and to respond with the hope of the gospel. Julie is a licensed professional counselor who brings over twenty years of counseling experience to help equip parents to become aware of this issue, and equip their children to recognize, respond, and report immoral behavior from an adult.
Safeguards 4 Kids will help parents and caregivers to have wisdom and discernment in parenting, and will teach them how to have age-appropriate conversations with their kids about abuse and threats. In addition to Julie’s presentation, we will also have mini-talks addressing human trafficking and internet safety for kids.
To learn more about Julie’s approach to this topic, see her article, Five Ways You Can Protect Your Kids From Sexual Abuse.
This event is intended for parents, grandparents, caregivers, ministry leaders, and pastors. Join us, so that you can safeguard your kids and equip them with the wisdom necessary to navigate a fallen world.
Safeguards 4 Kids in Action
Hear the life-changing story of Shannon Mullen who was saved in a Young Life Camp as a child and rescued out of an abusive situation.
The Lord was able to use Christians to intervene in Shannon’s life by recognizing abuse and reporting it. Now she is following Christ, serving at her local church, and about to join the team of Young Life to serve and lead in Christian foster care.
”“Keeping our children safe means we teach them God’s ways – how he created us to live following him. Safety is built on the foundation of discerning right from wrong.”
Julie Lowe
Space is limited
Each event will feature:
- Entry into drawings for giveaways including gift cards to local attractions, resources, books, and more
- Child safety resources
- The opportunity to make connections with likeminded people who believe protecting the next generation is a priority
*Must be present to win. Excludes virtual events.

Julie Lowe is a former faculty member at the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation (CCEF). She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary. She is a licensed professional counselor with over twenty-two years of counseling experience. She has extensive experience with marriage, women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues, and regularly speaks on these topics. Julie is a registered play therapist and has developed a play therapy office and resources to serve families and youth. She is trained in leading mandated reporter trainings and provides numerous trainings on child sexual abuse. Julie has a registered therapy dog that she works with both professionally and on a volunteer basis.
She has authored several books: Childproof: Parenting By Faith Not Formula, Building Bridges: Biblical Counseling Activities for Children and Teens, Helping Your Anxious Child: What to Do When Your Worries are Big, and Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing the Hope.
Julie and her husband, Greg, live in the Philadelphia, PA area and have five children. They have served as foster and adoptive parents. To learn more visit
Human Trafficking
Human sex trafficking is the exploitation of a person for profit and the trauma it leaves in its wake is devastating. There are many myths associated with human trafficking and those myths distract us from what is really happening to our children right under our noses. Every day in almost every city in America children are being sold for sex and we can stop it. In this session you will learn what human trafficking looks like in our country and what our response should be. We will cover ways to protect children and wrap around those in our communities with specific vulnerabilities. Ending sex trafficking is possible and it all starts with education.
Online Safety
Like any tool, the internet and our digital devices can be used for good and ill. Parents and caregivers should be on the front lines to protect children and youth from online threats and exploitation. Learn how to stay alert to virtual dangers and how to put measures in place to keep kids safe online.
Teach safety, supervise young children, review games and apps, adjust privacy settings, warn about online dangers, be alert to signs of abuse, identify safe adults, report incidents to the authorities.
Because children are vulnerable, they need to be protected. After more than two decades as a family counselor, Julie Lowe has seen how important it is to help parents and caregivers think wisely and biblically about the dangers children face. Instead of living in fear or denial, parents and caregivers can equip children to assess people and situations and model for them how to live by faith in a world where evil exists.
Lowe helps parents and caregivers teach the safety skills that will help protect their children from mistreatment, unsafe situations, violence, bullying, cyber-crimes, predatory behavior, sexting, abuse, and other kinds of danger that they might encounter. The safety skills that are needed at every stage—preschool, elementary-age, teens, and college-bound—are discussed and applied in an age-appropriate way.
Safeguards provides tools, skills, and resources to help when faced with uncomfortable, challenging, or dangerous situations. Instead of growing more anxious, parents and caregivers can grow in a biblical understanding of the type of dangers and issues children and young people might face, learn how to instill confidence and conviction in responding to new or fearful situations, and distinguish safe vs. unsafe people and situations.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Support our mission to protect the next generation
Full Tour
$ 3500
Full tour- Logo and link on event page.
- Rotating logo slide before and after event.
- Stage mention.
- Literature distributed to all attendees (provided by sponsor).
- 60 sec promo video played at live event.
- 2 email sponsorships to ECAP members and subscribers.
$ 1000
For a single event- Logo and link on event page.
- Rotating logo slide before and after event.
- Stage mention.
- Literature distributed to all attendees (provided by sponsor).
$ 500
For a single event- Logo and link on event page.
- Rotating logo slide before and after event.
- Stage mention.
$ 300
For a single event- Logo and link listed on event page.
- Tabletop branding for one table.