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Be a part of protecting the next generation.

Children Need Protecting


In the United States, 10% of all children will report experiencing some form of sexual abuse before age 18.


90% of those abused know their abuser.


The US Department of Justice estimates that only 30% of sexual abuse cases are reported to authorities.


According to Lifeway Research, 44% of Protestant churchgoers say they have been sexually victimized. 12% of these instances happened within the church.


10% of Protestants under age 35 reported leaving a church because of sexual misconduct.

We can help you build your
child protection program

One of the most common questions we hear is: “Where do I start?” The task of building and sustaining an effective Child Protection Program (CPP) is significant, and it can feel like a daunting challenge. You understand the need to protect the vulnerable in your ministry context. By now you “get it” and need to know where to start.

Or perhaps you and your ministry are working to create a safe environment for your kids to hear the gospel and grow in discipleship, but now what? We’ve put together a short article that outlines three steps you can take to get started right now.

The Symbol of Trust

Accreditation is an independent process of compliance verification which determines if an organization meets defined standards. ECAP awards accreditation to ministries that demonstrate compliance to Child Safety Standards through an assessment and audit process.


For more information on who can apply, the accreditation process, rates, and more see our Accreditation page and Accreditation White Paper.


What is an ECAP Accreditation Candidate?

Accreditation Candidates are part of the ECAP community, in the process of developing a Child Safety Program that is compliant with ECAP Child Safety Standards. Candidates are granted full access to the ECAP Community (or Member) Portal which includes member-only Resources, Affiliate offers, and the ECAP Forum where community members (candidates, affiliates, accredited members, and staff) exchange methods, best practices, and support. 

An organization becomes an Accreditation Candidate when their application is approved. If an organization remains in Candidate status (is not accredited) after 12 months, the fee is just $300 for another twelve (12) months. ECAP will continue to work with your organization to pursue Accreditation.

Why pursue ECAP Accreditation today?

Developing an ECAP-compliant Child Program is a lot of work, and many people don’t know where to start. When you become an Accreditation Candidate, you immediately gain access to the ECAP Community and resources that help you on your way to full accreditation. 

Other benefits include:

  • Access to a shared network of like-minded ministries
  • Discounted products and services from Affiliate organizations such as legal expertise, training providers, and insurance, with more added regularly.
  • Access to exclusive resources for your Child Safety Program
  • Resources related to responding to abuse allegations and caring for survivors
  • Training events from experts in the field
  • Discounted admission to ECAP events 
  • Learning more about your organization’s provisions for child safety

The earlier you join ECAP, the sooner our affiliates, resources, and community are available to you!


How can I decide if joining ECAP is the right decision?

ECAP recommends you conduct an initial assessment, where you ask yourself a series of essential questions that will bring your program “into focus” – to understand how effective your Child Protection Program is now.  Most ministries’ initial assessment reveals significant deficiencies.  These deficiencies are your reason or justification to invest in your ministry’s Child Protection Program by joining ECAP as an Accreditation Candidate. Work with your leadership to road-map your pathway toward full compliance.



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